Speeding Up a Slow Computer

Computer issues are hard enough to endure but when you live overseas and face the prospect of having to allow  technicians to change the language settings to work on the computer…and you have no idea what they are doing or if you will be able to even operate the computer after it is returned…then computer issues can be maddening (although I was once reminded by my pastor when I was helping him with his computer, that computer problems can contribute to your sanctification if you allow them too).

Recently, my husband and I fixed laptops for a couple of “family” members who had “issues” with them.  In the process, we used a tool that has a “free” version that is very helpful at cleaning up “trash”  that accumulates on a computer overtime as one uses the internet and moves around files and programs. The program also can detect known viruses. If your computer seems a little slow or you have owned it for more than a year or two, then your desktop or laptop might benefit from a “spring cleaning”. The wonderful program is called CCleaner. Listed below are instructions for downloading  and running CCleaner on your computer.Read more